武汉工商学院外国留学生入学申请表 WTBU Application Form for Foreign Student Admission
申请人信息/Personal Information | ||||||||
姓名 Name | 护照姓名 Passport Name | 姓/Surname: /Given Name: | 照片 Photo | |||||
中文姓名(不超过6个汉字) InChinese(nomorethan6Characters) | ||||||||
出生地点/PlaceofBirth | 出生日期/DateofBirth | |||||||
国籍/Nationality | 婚否/MaritalStatus | 健康状况/HealthStatus | ||||||
宗教/Religion | 母语/NativeLanguage | 爱好/Hobbies | ||||||
性别/Gender | 护照号码/PassportNo. | 护照有效期/PassportValidity | ||||||
最高学历/HighestDiploma | 职业/Occupation | 工作或学习单位/EmployerorInstitutionAffiliated | ||||||
手机/Cell-phone | 电话/Telephone | 电子邮件/E-mail | ||||||
联系地址(录取通知书邮寄地址)/PresentAddress(MailingAddress:HouseNumber,StreetName,DistrictName,CityName, Zip Code and Contact Person) | ||||||||
详细的永久居住地址/PermanentResidenceAddressindetails | ||||||||
语言能力/ Language Proficiency | ||||||||
汉语能力 ChineseProficiency | □流利Fluent □一般Basic □不会None | HSK ______ 级 | ||||||
英语能力 EnglishProficiency | □流利Fluent □一般Basic □不会None | |||||||
教育背景/Educational Background | ||||||||
在校期间 (From/To) | 澳门美高梅金殿,手机赌钱游戏 (Institutions) | 所获学历(Certificate) | ||||||
- | ||||||||
- | - | |||||||
本人工作经历/Employment Record | ||||||||
起止时间 (From/To) | 工作单位 (Employer) | 职务及职称 (PostsHeld) | ||||||
留学中国计划/Study Plan in China | |||||
□非学历生项目/Non-degreePrograms | |||||
□本科生学历项目/UndergraduateStudent Degree Program | |||||
申请院系/Department: 国际教育学院 | 学习期限/Duration: | ||||
申请专业/Major: | 经费来源/Funds: 个人自费 | ||||
申请人亲属情况/Family Members | |||||
姓名/Name | 国籍/Nationality | 职业/Occupation | 电话/Tel. | ||
父亲/Father | |||||
母亲/Mother | |||||
推荐单位(人)信息/ Information for Reference | |||||
姓名/Name | 工作机构/Organization | 电话/Tel. | 邮箱/E-mail | ||
联系地址/Address | |||||
在华事务担保人/ The Guarantor Charging Your Case in China | |||||
姓名/Name | 工作机构/Organization | 电话/Tel. | 邮箱/E-mail | ||
联系地址/Address | |||||
经济担保人或机构/Financial Guarantee | |||||
工作机构/Organization | 电话/Tel. | 邮箱/E-mail | |||
联系地址/Address | |||||
申请人保证/Iherebyaffirmthat 1.申请表中所填写的内容和提供的材料真实无误的。Alltheinformationgiveninthisformistrueandcorrect. 2.在华期间,遵守中国的法律法规,不从事任何危害中国秩序的、与本人来华学习身份不相符的活动。 DuringmystayinChina,IshallabidebythelawsanddecreesoftheChineseGovernment,andwillnotparticipateinanyactivities,whicharedeemedtothesocialorderinChinaandinappropriatetothecapacityasascholarorstudent. 3.在学期间,遵守澳门美高梅金殿,手机赌钱游戏的校规校纪,全力投入学习和研究工作,尊重澳门美高梅金殿,手机赌钱游戏的教学安排。 DuringmystudyinChina,Ishallobservetherulesandregulationsoftheuniversity,andwillconcentrateonmystudiesandresearches,andwillfollowingtheteachingprogramsmadebytheuniversity. 日期/Date:申请人签名/Applicant'ssignature: ◆若无签字,则视为无效申请/ Theapplicationisinvalidwithouttheapplicant'ssignature. |