(特约记者 代胜桥 通讯员 乐迁) 编者按: 秋天是收获的季节,在国际合作交流处、国际教育学院的不断努力下,2015年考入我校国际实验班的5位同学,通过强化专业和雅思学习,成功获得英国名校北安普顿大学2+2会计双本科专业录取。 我校经济与商务外语学院15级金融专业任阳,会计专业15级刘竞夷、周睿、蒋诗意、刘洋等5名同学最近喜获英国名校北安普顿大学奖学金,其中任阳同学荣获奖学金2340英镑(约合人民币20560元),刘竞夷、周睿、蒋诗意、刘洋荣获奖学金1170英镑(约合人民币10280元)。 国际合作交流处、国际教育学院特此向全校师生报喜,祝贺上述同学和所在学院,再接再厉,再创辉煌! 上述获奖同学中有三位向澳门美高梅金殿,手机赌钱游戏寄来电子邮件,表达了他们对澳门美高梅金殿,手机赌钱游戏的无限感激之情。
任阳同学获奖学金证书  刘竟夷同学获奖学金证书 Written by Liu Jingyi: 刘竟夷同学的来信
I have been UK for two months with some feelings to share. The first step of studying abroad was very hard for me, not only the different language and culture, but also new teaching method. It was nervous to open my month to speak to foreigners and I do not know how to find the coach to my school, how to find my flat key. However, i tend to get used to everything fortunately in Northampton with the help of teachers. They taught me with patience and help me to get involved in new environment. At the same time, teachers from China also gave enough care about my new life, they asked me whether everything going well or not, and more importantly, there is a strong connection between Wuhan technology and business University and University of Northampton, it will give me a lot help to overcome some emergency in a different country, which can let me feel how good the cooperation between these two university rather than lonely and helpless. I hope that this cooperation can last for a long time and help more and more students to get benefits from it. At last, I want to give my appreciation to all the teachers of two university, who really helped me a lot made my not feel lonely anymore.

Written by Zhou Rui:周睿同学的来信 Dear teachers and classmates,
I am a student at the University of Northampton in accounting. Actually, I didn't want to come here from the beginning. It just was to satisfied my parents' insistence that I came to the small city in the south of England. When I came here, I had no interest in the university. However, after two and a half months, owing to the enthusiasm of my teachers and the friendliness of my classmates, I was deeply attracted by the University of this country. Northampton is a town in England, where there are buses with old papa's smile. There are patiently explained by salesmen. There are humor teachers. There are like-minded students. Even there are a lot of things you want. In addition, there will be a lot of unexpected things out the mind of you. In the two and a half months, I saw the discount in Bicester, IKEA in Milton Keynes, the sea in Brighton, Old Trafford in Manchester and Beck street in London...... Finally, if you are the Reds, I am here waiting for you.
 蒋诗意同学获奖学金证书 Written by Jiang Shiyi:蒋诗意同学的来信 I’m very grateful to the university of Northampton and the Wu Han technology and business university because of the opportunity of study abroad in UK. I have been here for two months, and now I know more things about the university of Northampton, it is a good university with great facilities and good environment. In addition, both students and tutors here are very friendly in here. Also, the study atmosphere is pretty good, we are happy to enjoy the lecture. Besides, there is an important section which is student center to provide assistances for student, and they try their best to fix every student’s problems. Furthermore, it was a great experience to have the pre-sessional English EAP, before this, I am confused with some portion in English, however, I now better understand something which is my confused before and academic skills through these lecture in this period. Moreover, I have learned something is interesting and useful, for instance, I now better understand how to catch the main point easier in an article, I have critical thinking chronically now, and when I read articles, I would adjust whether it is reliable or not. I believe that would be helpful in my study life in the future.

 刘洋同学获奖学金证书 |